Q: Are your Go-Karts available everyday?
A: Our Go-Karts run everyday that we're open as long as the weather conditions are appropriate. It must be at least 55 degrees and with dry pavement in order for us to operate the track safely. If it is too cold, or the track is wet, the Go-Karts will not be available.
Q: Do you have age restrictions for your other activities?
A: Go-karts are the only activity with a solid age restriction. You may find, though, that children younger than 5 won't be able to participate as well in the Lazer Runner game. Reason being, our vests may be too large or too heavy for some small children. You are welcome to have your young ones try out our vests to see if they like it. If they aren't comfortable with a vest on, they can still go into the arena with a fabric glow-vest to watch the action.
Q: What are the age and height requirements for your go-karts?
A: A driver must be at least 50" tall AND 8 years old to ride by themselves. Any child who does not meet these requirements can be a free passenger with a paying adult driver. Drivers must be 18 years old in order to carry a passenger.
Q: What days and times are your wristband packages available?
A: There are no day or time restrictions to any of our wristband packages. They are available anytime that we are open to the public. However, some activities included in some of the wristband packages may not be available all the time, due to weather. Please call, or check our website homepage for updated hours of operation.
Q: Is there an admission fee to get into your park?
A: No, here admission is always FREE. Once you've entered the park, you can look around and decide which activities you're interested in and which Wristband activity package would work best for you.
A: Our Go-Karts run everyday that we're open as long as the weather conditions are appropriate. It must be at least 55 degrees and with dry pavement in order for us to operate the track safely. If it is too cold, or the track is wet, the Go-Karts will not be available.
Q: Do you have age restrictions for your other activities?
A: Go-karts are the only activity with a solid age restriction. You may find, though, that children younger than 5 won't be able to participate as well in the Lazer Runner game. Reason being, our vests may be too large or too heavy for some small children. You are welcome to have your young ones try out our vests to see if they like it. If they aren't comfortable with a vest on, they can still go into the arena with a fabric glow-vest to watch the action.
Q: What are the age and height requirements for your go-karts?
A: A driver must be at least 50" tall AND 8 years old to ride by themselves. Any child who does not meet these requirements can be a free passenger with a paying adult driver. Drivers must be 18 years old in order to carry a passenger.
Q: What days and times are your wristband packages available?
A: There are no day or time restrictions to any of our wristband packages. They are available anytime that we are open to the public. However, some activities included in some of the wristband packages may not be available all the time, due to weather. Please call, or check our website homepage for updated hours of operation.
Q: Is there an admission fee to get into your park?
A: No, here admission is always FREE. Once you've entered the park, you can look around and decide which activities you're interested in and which Wristband activity package would work best for you.
Birthday PartiesQ: Can we bring in our own cake and ice cream? A: Yes. You are more than welcome to bring in your own cake and ice cream. We do have a large freezer to store your ice cream or cake products. Q: What happens if we forget our candles or matches the day of our party? A: We have a supply of candles and matches that we keep on hand for such an emergency. Simply mention it to your Party Manage... |